Lisa Friesen

Vocal Coach

Lisa Friesen (she/her)

Lisa decided to pursue a career in music education after her experiences with the Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School choral program. Lisa went on to study voice and piano at Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta receiving a Diploma in Music in 2005. She then completed the Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education combined degree program at the University of Alberta, while continuing to pursue her passion of choral music by singing in University Ensembles, including the Concert Choir as well as the Madrigal Singers. Lisa also became an active member of the semi-professional youth choir known as Kokopelli which afforded her the opportunity to travel Europe as well as Africa, performing music across the globe. Lisa is now thrilled to be back at her alma mater directing the choirs that sparked her love for choral music. She currently holds a full teaching schedule at Thurber, directing the Ladies Choir, Chamber Choir and Jazz Choir as well as teaching French, Leadership and Music Appreciation. Lisa also enjoys vocal coaching Musical Theatre Classes here at Strive.