Hip Hop is a street dance style that focuses on body isolation's and freestyle movements. Danced to hip hop, rap and pop music it is an area of dance that is constantly evolving and developing. This is a high energy class, fun filled class encouraging students to explore movement and style and develop confidence.
Hip-hop dance is a broad category that includes a variety of styles. The older dance styles that were created in the 1970s include uprock, breaking, and the funk styles.[1] Breaking was created in The Bronx, New York, incorporating dances that were popular in the 1960s and early 1970s in African-American and Latino communities.
At the same time breaking was developing in New York, other styles were being created in California. The funk styles refers to several street dance styles created in California in the 1970s such as roboting, bopping, hitting, locking, bustin', popping, electric boogaloo, strutting, sac-ing, and dime-stopping.
As breaking, locking, and popping gained popularity in the 1980's, hip-hop social dancing (party dancing) started to develop. Novelty and fad dances such as the Roger Rabbit, the Cabbage Patch, and the Worm appeared in the 1980s followed by the Humpty dance and the Running Man in the 1990s.[20][note 1] The music of the day was the driving force in the development of these dances.
The previously mentioned dances are a sample of the many that have appeared since hip-hop developed into a distinct dance style. Like hip-hop music, hip-hop social dancing continues to change as new songs are released and new dances are created to accompany them.*
*courtesy of Wikipedia